Monday, July 13, 2009


11.81, 1:29: 16. Averaged 7:34. One of my worst runs. I went home sick and then slept for a few hours and thought I would be ok to try and run. It was a pretty dumb idea to go on a 13 mile loop ( thought it was 12) I felt pretty bad till mile 3 and then everything went away till mile 7 and I felt like my muscles wanted to explode and I really wanted to throw up. If I wasnt in the middle of the loop I would have stopped, but I was 6 miles from my house so I walk/ran the last 6 miles. I figured I was pretty dehydrated bc when I was done my urine was pretty much a solid and a dark gold. Made sure I drank plenty when I was done and caught up on sleep

Weekly Mileage: 11.81

Summer Mileage: 191.73

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