Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today I tried something that a coworker suggested because I am very weak at push-ups. He told me that I should work on them by doing a pyramid, meaning that I do 1 push-up, 10 sec rest, 2 push-ups, 20 sec rest, and so on till you reach 5 or 10 or however many you want to do and then back down to 1 push-up. Since I have never been very good a doing a true push-up, I started off going up to 5 and back down. This had me do 25 push-ups (which is a lot for me). I am going to try and do this every day and see where it takes me and how much I improve.

Besides that I did a full ab workout

60 sit ups, 50 V-ups, 30 Bench press crunches, 30 crunches w/ feet in air, 40 leg switches big and small, and 1 min Bridge.

I also did some light curls and worked on pectorals.

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