Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today I had a weird, random workout

I started out in the weight room doing 2 sets of 25 crunches and then 5 pull ups during the rest. Then I did 2 sets of 25 crunches and used 30 lb dumbbells and did a bench press type movement, then I did another 2 sets of 25 crunches and used 35 lb dumbbells.

My teammate needed pacers for his workout and asked for my help so I rabbited him for a bit. His workout was 4 x 1000m at 75 seconds, 72 seconds, 70 seconds, and 68 seconds for each 400 m.

What I did was pace the second 400 of each 1000 m. So I ran 4 x 400m at 75, 72, 70, 68. During each rest I did 10 push-ups. I also ran a 800 warm up and a 400 cool down and strides. So about 2 miles

Then played some serious ultimate frisbee. A lot of sprinting and constant running. Wore me out.
played for about 2 hours.

Rest day tomorrow

Weekly Mileage: 9

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