Saturday, June 27, 2009


Rest Day.

Abs and push ups

Weekly Mileage: 33.18

Summer Mileage: 99.68


Today I went to the YMCA before work and worked out upper body, went in the pool and swam 400 m, ran 3 miles at 6:58 pace, and played a bit of basketball. Felt fine.

Weekly Mileage: 33.18

Summer Mileage: 99.68


37 min, 4.83 miles, 7:18 pace

Weekly Mileage: 30.18

Summer Mileage: 96.68

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


47:46, 5.82 miles, 8:02 pace.

Stayed up the night before to watch Transformers at midnight. Had 3 hours of sleep and it showed. The rest of the day I caught up on sleep.

Weekly Mileage: 25.35

Summer Mileage: 91.85


41:29, 5.81 miles, 7:08 pace

Was pretty tired. We started of easy and then picked it up to about 6:20 pace for about 2 miles. Did like the turn over though.

same push ups

Weekly Mileage: 19.53

Summer Mileage: 86.03


41:36, 5.73 miles, 7:16 pace

4 strides + 2 x 15 , 2 x 10 push ups

Weekly Mileage: 13.73

Summer Mileage: 80.22


Forgot watch so about 8 miles and probably around 7:30 pace most of the time.

Push ups, 5 x 10

Weekly Mileage: 8

Summer Mileage: 74.49


Rest day

Weekly Mileage: 27.07

Summer Mileage: 66.49


Today I slept in and didn't get the chance to run till about 1 in the afternoon. It averaged right over 100 degrees and I felt pretty sluggish and tired the whole time. Had to stop and walk once.

4.59 miles, 33:31, 7:24 average

Abs and push ups 2 x 1 15 , 2 x 10

Weekly Mileage: 27.07

Summer Mileage: 66.49

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Tonight I lead the Luke's Thursday Night run. This week we had some pretty fast guys show up and they wanted to go about 6 miles. We Started out at about 8:30 min mile pace and ended right under 7 min pace. Over all it felt pretty good. I did notice my left knee hurting slightly right after the run. I will have to watch it.

44:26, 5.86 miles, average pace: 7:35

It was also the first day I could do push ups without pain. 2 x 15 before and after the run. Felt great.

Weekly Mileage: 22.48

Summer Mileage: 61.9

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


35:21 Min, 4.89 miles, average pace: 7:13

4 x 150 m strides

abs + a few weights. Wrist is still sore, so I did not use free weights or push ups

Forgot to look at schedule before running, so just ran for 35 min.

Weekly Mileage: 16.62

Summer Mileage: 56.04

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


36:37 min, 5.12 miles, average pace 7:09.

Ran a new run back in Jones State Forrest. It was pretty much all sand for 4 miles. It was a bit longer than I expected. Made sure to stretch well after the run.

Wrist is feeling better, but still can not support much weight. Will have to wait longer to do push ups and work out.

Weekly Mileage: 12.12 miles

Summer Mileage: 51.54 miles

Monday, June 15, 2009


47:10, 6.33 miles, average pace 7:27 + 4 x 150 Stride

Felt good, I'm pretty sure I strained my wrist yesterday while playing soccer. Its pretty painful, but didn't affect my running. I am not able to do push ups though.

Weekly Mileage: 7 miles

Summer Mileage: 46.42 miles

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Finally remembered my watch. 36:28 and 4.93 miles, average pace 7:24

A quick set of abs, just 50 bench press crunches and 50 crunches with feet in the air and 4 x 15 push ups. I can really start to feel the improvement in the amount of effort I have to use for push ups. I'm getting a lot better at them.

Also ran in a new pair of Asics Speedstars. They rubbed a blister on my achilles but it is nothing bad. Overall they felt great.

Weekly Mileage: 12.93

Summer Mileage: 39.42


Another easy run. Ran about 3 miles in 24 min.

Weekly Mileage: 8

Summer Mileage 34.49


Ran about 5 miles easy (forgot watch again) about 7:30 from feeling

4 x 10 push ups, and then 30 min later did 4 x 10 push ups again

Weekly Mileage: 5

Summer Mileage: 31.49

Friday, June 12, 2009


Ran Congress Mile

Paced my friend for about right under a 5 min mile which was what we were hoping for.

Warm up was about a mile, then cool down about a mile and some running in between. Total about 4 miles

Did abs and 40 push ups

Weekly Mileage: 15.49

Total Summer Mileage: 26.49

Friday, June 5, 2009


24 min, 3.07 miles, average pace 7:49. Felt really good.

Full abs + 3 x 10 push ups.

Weekly Mileage: 11.49

Summer Mileage: 22.49

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Rest after the Lock in. Tried Big 12 (12 sit ups, 12 push ups, 11 sit ups, 11 push ups....) and really struggled at the push ups, Made it down to 5 and couldn't do the push ups with proper form. The sit ups were easy though.

Weekly Mileage: 8.42

Summer Mileage: 19.42

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Graduation. Rest

Weekly Mileage: 8.42

Summer Mileage: 19.42


38:33 min, 5.13 miles, average pace 7:45. Was pretty tired, still getting used to the heat.

Played Football and did 3 x 10 push-ups

Weekly Mileage: 8.42

Summer Mileage: 19.42

Monday, June 1, 2009


Did weights first. 4 sets of 25 crunches, 10 x 35 lb dumbbell benchpress, 10 x 35 lb curls

Run: 24:51 . 3.29 miles, Average Pace was 7:33. It was very hot, ran around 2 pm. Felt pretty sluggish and took awhile to warm up. After that it wasn't all that bad.

4 x 150m strides

Weekly Mileage: 3.29

Summer Mileage: 14.29